
Essential Cookbooks for Foodie Vitiligans


Foodies will attest to the pleasures of eating, especially when the cooking has been done in your kitchen. Even if that kitchen is nothing like the designer culinary spaces they show on TV, the joys of a well-cooked meal cannot be easily replicated by anything else. And taking time out from your busy schedule definitely makes the experience richer and more special.

Today, we’ve put together for you some of the best cookbooks of all time and a few recent ones. If all things culinary make you perk up, wait no more, grab one of these and cook away to glory!

Cooking with Italian Grandmothers

Recipes and Stories from Tuscany to Sicily – When Jessica Theroux traveled throughout Italy for one year, she landed in 8 different regions and stayed with 12 outstanding ‘grandmother’ cooks. Each grandmother being the best cook in her area, Theroux’s book is enriched with traditional ways of making bread from grandmother Rafaella in Calabria, handmade tortellini filled with pumpkin and crushed amaretti from grandmother Giovanna in Lombardia and so on. You, too, can take a trip down this ancient culinary road and stir up quite an Italian-style feast!

Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child

It is a classic cookbook that enjoys an epic status among old converts to cooking and more recent discoverers. Showing Americans the best way to master French cuisine for over 50 years now, Julia Child’s book is bursting with love for authentic ingredients and energy that has never been matched. If you like all things French, you will love this!

The Mezze Cookbook

Mezze is a selection of small dishes to accompany alcoholic drinks or served as appetizers, in Levantine, Caucasian and Balkan cuisines. With the world being reduced, happily, to an oyster, mezze is now par for the course in most self-respecting foodie households. The Mezze Cookbook by Maria Khalife has the best selection of easy-to-follow recipes, made with readily-available ingredients and accompanied by colorful photographs, to bring exotic flavors to life on your dining room table!

Baking Essentials

Baking offers unmatched delights and is irreplaceable by any other home-bound activity. Foodies will vouch for this! Be it preparing the dough and waiting for it to rise, getting your home alive with the aromas of that cake in the oven or painstakingly preparing pastry dough and rolling it out, there is a pursuit of happiness in baking, that is second to none. Try baking some gourmet cupcakes with the most exciting cupcake cookbook ever. Once you master cupcakes, graduate to baking bread and pies and you’ll have a forever happy palate.

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