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6 Ways to Overcome Inferiority Complex in Vitiligo

Inferiority Complex in Vitiligo

Inferiority is a common feeling all vitiligo fighters have felt at some point in their lives. Many things can cause the Inferiority Complex. But this often affects vitiligans who are constantly reminded of their visual difference through strange stares, bitter comments, and annoying questions.

While some of us learn to recognize, accept, and overcome our inadequacies, the feeling of inferiority is so overwhelming to some vitiligo fighters that it affects almost everything in their lives. They become paralyzed by extreme shyness and the feeling of overpowering unworthiness.

You may be suffering from Inferiority Complex in vitiligo if:

  • You are extremely sensitive towards other’s opinions of you.
  • Constructive criticism is particularly hard for you.
  • Your appearance is pushing you toward social withdrawal.
  • You’re constantly comparing yourself to other people.
  • Social media affects you quite negatively.
  • You consider your vitiligo as a flaw.

Feelings of inferiority are so deeply-rooted in some vitiligo fighters that it goes way beyond simply not liking yourself. When you start believing that you’re inferior, nothing can convince you otherwise. Still, overcoming inferiority complex in vitiligo is posible. But, yes, it’s going to take a lot of hard work. Here we go:

1. Determine who you feel inferior to.

Identify who you feel inferior to in the first place. Be as specific as you can. In the case of vitiligo, it is usually very physically attractive people and funny people (who have large social groups while you are dealing with isolation). Once you have a better sense of the kinds of people who make you feel inferior, it will be easier to deal with your insecurities.

2. Talk to yourself better.

The way we “talk” to ourselves affect how we communicate with others and how self-confident we are. Learn to have an inner voice that encourages you to do more and be more. You have strengths. Recognize them. Try to change negative self-talk with affirming your strengths. You can write down some positive affirmations and recite them daily, ideally into a mirror.

3. Be kind to yourself.

Practicing self-compassion might be the hardest thing to do when you are always the first one to think badly of yourself. But try to be kind to yourself, anyway. When you treat yourself better, you cement subconscious beliefs that you are valuable and worth taking care of. So, practice self-care, eat healthier food, try meditation and enjoy things that you love doing. And above all, take care of your needs.

4. Learn to say No.

Saying “no” is another form of self-care. Don’t do anything that is not enjoyable for you. Also, you don’t have to explain your reasons to say No to seek validation from others. This will only distract you from focusing on yourself. Remember, self-care is about you; it’s not about pleasing others.

5. Surround yourself with people who uplift you.

Cut all toxic relationships. Even if it means they’re with your closest friends or family members. Instead, choose the kind of relationships that make you feel good and enough. With being around such people, you will notice a big change in your life.

6. Embrace your vitiligo.

Instead of trying to conform to society’s ill-conceived images of beauty, learn to embrace your vitiligo. There are certain things that are out of your control. Stop worrying about what others think. At some point, you have to recognize that you’re better off moving on. So what if you look different? Many people undergo surgeries in order to stand out in the crowd.

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