
Recently diagnosed with Vitiligo? Try Yoga

Yoga for vitiligo

Image: Ronak Gajjar's Instagram Account

If you were recently diagnosed with vitiligo, you would have come to know that the effective treatment of the chronic skin disorder requires caregiver education, general wellness maintenance, exercise (to reduce stress), nutrition and a strong support system.

At present, there is no cure for vitiligo, but certain medications or stress management practices can provide relief from the symptoms. However, at times, medication isn’t enough to help you emerge as a strong vitiligo crusader. Yoga as a relaxation therapy can help support and tone the underused muscles and give stiffened joints (propelled by stress) a better range of motion. The objective is to establish the mind-body connection.

Why Yoga for Vitiligo?

Yoga plays a great role in developing a sense of wellbeing in people with vitiligo and produces a harmony between physical and mental levels. It activates or stimulates nerve cells for better functioning. When regularly practiced with a positive attitude, it also reduces the hyperactivity of all systems of the body. Yoga develops physical and psychological stamina thus helps a vitiligo fighter in improving the concentration and removing fear from the agitated mind.

Recommended Yoga practices

The practice of relaxation techniques like Yoga, when followed regularly can produce smoothening effects. The yogic practices which are helpful in the management of vitiligo are:

Kriyas: Jalneti, Sutra Neti, Kapalbhati

Yogic SukshmaVyayama: Buddhitatha Dhritishaktivikasaka, Medhash-aktivikasaka. Manibandha Shakti Vikasaka Kryia, Kartala Shakti vikasakakryia.

Yogic Sthula Vyayama: Urdhwagati, Rekhagati

Yogasanas: Tadasana, Trikonasana, Hastottanmasana, Katichakrasana Pavanamuktasana, Vajrasana, Vakrasana, SaralMatsyasana, Shalbhasana, Paschimottanasana, Ushtrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shavasana.

Pranayama: Nadishodhan, Bhramari, Ujjayi and Sitali.

Meditation: Breath awareness, Om Meditation or guided meditation focusing on the affected part.

Special practice: Yoga Nidra and Surya Namaskara (depending upon person’s symptoms)

Yogic diet (Mitahara): Alkaline foods with less oil, salt, and spice.

5 things to do alongside Yoga 

  1. Try to accept and know more and more about the skin condition, worrying about all the things do not make life predictable.
  2. There are many modalities and nutritional supplements which can ease symptoms and improve quality of life. It is vital that patients inform their doctor about the over the counter medications, herbs or other supplements that they use on a normal basis as they may interact with the medication. Certain drug dosages may need to be adjusted.
  3. Develop healthy eating habits, avoid the excess of oily, spicy and junk food. Reduce alcohol and smoking habits and better increase the intake of water quantity per day.
  4. Good sleep is very important to relax whole body and nerves.
  5. Daily exercise or regular walk is very helpful to prepare you for Yoga postures.
  6. The right yoga mat makes a huge difference to your Yoga practice. Here’s your 5-minutes guide to Yoga Mats.

Precautionary Measures

This literature is for general awareness about vitiligo and Leucoderma management through Yoga. It should not be considered as treatment prescription.

Since some Yoga poses many fluid body movements, they should be simplified to beginner’s current flexibility. A certified Yoga trainer can help you with the right technique. The inverted postures (in the beginning) and the hyperventilation practices (forceful breathing) are to be avoided.

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