
How can Art help challenge vitiligo?

As an emotionally unstable vitiligo fighter, you want to do anything to navigate through the ups and downs and boost self-esteem. You pat yourself for every accomplishment. You read many motivational books. You encourage yourself to make friends who support you and have similar interests. You probably even sign up for vitiligo support group. Though all of this is great, is it enough? Is there anything left that is much more than just keeping yourself busy? Well, there it is. It is Art.

Many vitiligo fighters turn to art and enjoy the therapeutic effects and satisfaction it can bring to life. Art can help vitiligans by working on the subconscious, stimulating the imagination and promoting a sense of inner peace.  After all, finding something you enjoy allows you to relax and perhaps even help you be indifferent to vitiligo. Let’s understand how.

Drawing and Painting

Art making is an activity in which the vitiligo fighters can experience choice (through color, medium, line, subject matter) and feel that they have control over their creations. And, the good news is that there are no such rights and wrongs in sketching and painting.

Creating art can have a calming and uplifting effect. In fact, looking at art can be just as therapeutic for those who cannot produce art themselves. After all, enjoying and reacting to other’s artwork can provide an outlet for your own emotions.

Almost everyone’s vitiligo is exacerbated by stress. So how do you tame it? By promoting relaxation, of course. Art making can lower blood pressure, slow down breathing and calm the central nervous system. When you are deeply engrossed in sketching and painting, your focus shifts to creating novel motions, and you are also less likely to pay attention to your vitiligo.


Singing can help vitiligo fighters find their voice and express their emotions. When you sing, musical vibrations move through you, altering your emotional landscape. It turns out, singing can produce satisfying and therapeutic sensations even if the sound is shaped by the vocal instrument of mediocre quality.


Dance engages us in a process which enhances emotional and social well-being. Built up on feelings and thinking pattern, dancing can be used to express and explore emotional and creative experiences. Becoming a member of a dance group can also be a valuable social activity, helping the vitiligo fighter overcome depression in vitiligo.


Vitiligo fighters can find writing very therapeutic for many reasons. Exercising concentration, memory, executive functions, and hand-eye coordination, writing can take many forms – poetry, short stories or long essays. The best part is no special skills or experience is needed – just a willingness to express your thoughts and experiences, whether real or fictitious.

Such freeing experience can encourage spontaneity which can, in turn, improve confidence. It can potentially lower blood pressure, reduce perseverative thoughts, and lift depression in vitiligo.

Playing a Musical Instrument

Playing an instrument can help improve the quality of life for people with vitiligo by promoting a sense of well-being and reducing stress. By focusing on rhythm and feeling its beat, many people notice improvements in their non-verbal communication and memory.

Creating music can also help you overcome anxiety, providing an opportunity for self-expression and social interaction at the same time. To be inspired, listen to a variety of instrumentals and find which one stimulates and uplifts you the most. Build up a collection of music that helps you recall happy memories. To make the most of the experience, sing while you play to help keep your voice strong.

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