
June is Vitiligo Awareness Month. Here’s all you need to know

National Vitiligo Awareness Month

In order to publicize June as National Vitiligo Awareness Month across the world, several US states have proclaimed June as National Vitiligo Awareness Month. This means in the states of Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia, you will notice many vitiligo fighters, their family members, and advocates spreading awareness about the chronic skin disorder.

It is not a secret that vitiligo affects about more than three million Americans and between 0.5 and 1% of the population worldwide. While the condition doesn’t render physical pain, the psychological and social effects can be significant for affected individuals, especially children, teenagers and those with darker skin.

National Vitiligo Awareness Month takes place yearly in June across states mentioned above, highlighting the growing need for education, early detection and public awareness about Vitiligo. Vitiligo Awareness Month intents to unite vitiligo fighters, physicians, clinicians, research institutions for grassroots networking. The highlight of the month would be World Vitiligo Day, which will be celebrated on June 25 (across the world).

Why is Vitiligo Awareness Month important?

Having an unusual appearance can be difficult as we all are constantly exposed to images of the idealized ‘perfect’ body and face. It is essential to normalize and educate people about vitiligo so that they no longer stare, make unfriendly comments, and stigmatize those dealing with the chronic skin disorder. World Vitiligo Month is an opportunity to fight misconceptions regarding vitiligo that are still present in large parts of the world.

How can you contribute?

Bring together all vitiligo fighters in your locality and exchange stories and learn coping strategies. Tell other that vitiligo is harmless and does not spread by physical contact. Let’s make this Vitiligo Awareness Month a success so that:

  • Every state in other parts of the world officially declares observance of National Vitiligo Awareness Month during the month of June.
  • Public awareness of Vitiligo can be raised through educational campaigns, local activities, and community events.
  • Funding for vitiligo research is more frequent.
  • The perspective of insurance companies regarding vitiligo is changed.
  • Adequate coverage of proven vitiligo treatments is accessible by every vitiligo fighter.

Unite For Vitiligo encourages people to increase awareness, understanding, and support for individuals with vitiligo in communities. Hopefully, what began in the USA will be able to get the attention that vitiligo deserves to make it a public health priority across the world.

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