
Dolls with Vitiligo – A Beautiful Representation for Skin Diversity

dolls with vitiligo

Even though vitiligo is not life-threatening, it can affect any kid’s confidence, as he/she might be subjected to unkind remarks, strange stares, and bullying at school. Thankfully, we have artists like Kay Black (aka Kay Customz) who, through her inclusive custom dolls, is encouraging kids with vitiligo to be proud of their uniqueness. When kids with vitiligo see a toy that looks like them, it can make them feel more accepting of who they are.

Black’s beautiful dolls aren’t any different. They wear colorful attire and have shiny hair except for two colors tones. Using paint, Kay gives these dolls the same types of markings commonly associated with the chronic skin disorder. Results? Buyers are literally in tears when they get their dolls. After all, for kids with the vitiligo, these are more than just toys. These are their tools to break down beauty barriers, boost self-esteem and include a demographic that may feel left out.

An applaudable move

When kids walk past a toy store, they need to see themselves represented. Seeing shelves of dolls that don’t look like them can make them feel ostracized. It’s simply affirming for them to see themselves in their toys. It’s why companies like American Girl, Hello Hijab, and Naturally Perfect Dolls are making dolls of different races and genders.

Kay Customz’s vitiligo doll is a step further in providing representation beyond race/ethnicity, celebrating skin diversity.

3 reasons to buy dolls with vitiligo

  1. Vitiligo that makes someone look different is also what makes them special. These dolls show kids that every kind of skin is beautiful. Hence, dolls with vitiligo are an incredible way to boost self-esteem.
  2. Vitiligo dolls make sure that fewer children feel left out. You have a doll your kid can relate to. After all, beauty should not be manufactured, it should be based on one’s true mirror image.
  3. These dolls can teach children to celebrate differences at a young age.

We hope these dolls will shake up the toy industry and will make industry giants promote inclusiveness through their collection. You can purchase one of these dolls from Kay Customz’s website  or Instagram page!

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