
Eating Eggs in Vitiligo – Wise or Not? 

eggs vitiligo

“Does eating egg trigger vitiligo to go worse?” is a question that is floating in many minds. So far, no research has been conducted to establish the link between the egg’s positives/side effects on vitiligo. The egg may interfere in your existing vitiligo treatment regime, so it’s best to ask your doctor for any possible food allergy, including eggs. Unless the restrictions come from your doctor, with respect to medicines, it is okay to include eggs in your diet. 

Having said that, many doctors from Ayurvedic discipline suggest a complete restriction on eating eggs in vitiligo. Some argue that vitiligo patients can eat eggs, but not much. Lower consumption of the egg is proclaimed better in vitiligo by many experts along with a low intake of poultry, dairy products, milk, ice-cream, and chocolates. Ideally, the egg intake of 2 to 4 eggs per week has been recommended for people with nonsegmental vitiligo

Do eggs fulfill nutritional deficiency in vitiligo?  

In a few research studies, it has determined one of the reasons behind vitiligo widespread is nutritional deficiency. Eggs are essential food of high nutritional value. They are divided into the egg white and egg yolk. Eating eggs can help to supplement the body’s needs of vitamin A, D, protein. Since our brain needs cholesterol and lecithin, eggs can effectively prevent the lack of these nutrients. Having said that, whether eating eggs can also improve vitiligo or not, is subject to specific research studies. 

Just like gluten or dairy, egg white may give digestive discomfort to people with sensitive gut health, which may further inflate vitiligo. The undigested protein from the egg in the gut may seep through the damaged gut linings to ultimately enter the bloodstream. This can, in turn, trigger an autoimmune reaction, worsening vitiligo.

A word of caution 

The internet can be a very dangerous place to be looking for medical advice, keeping in mind that many people on the web are not medically trained professionals and do not have any research finding to back their answer(s). Rely on your GP for the ultimate recommendation. 

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